February 20, 2025

33 thoughts on “Stimulus Check Update| SS, SSI, SSDI Payment Date!

    1. Will I get a second check I am on disability Deborah Murray and my doctors said that I can not work my health is bad

  1. Thank you for the information! Mine is coming on May 28th too. Thank you for using social media to help people. It’s an awesome tool when it’s used for good!

    1. Lee Ann Carlisle you’re very welcome!! Glad I can help 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  2. you were right! I was actually able to get into the payment tool and did as you said and I got my payment date! I’m on SSDI with a representative payee with no children and I’m getting mine on the 28th

    1. Amy Mooney awesome!! Glad you’re finally getting your money 🙌🏽🙌🏽

  3. Im on SSI Disability and haven’t received a ‘stimulus’ direct deposit yet! I have no way of knowing ahead of time whether or not I have a check pending for May 28th- through all the research I’ve done trying to figure this out you are the only one who’s continued to give straight forward info- PLEASE keep posting if you get any other updates Thanks from Quarantine in Virginia

  4. Excellent information and I thank you! FYI… I have a Android cell, not iPhone however I figured if I followed your tip it may very well work. Thankfully it did! I simply put hyphens between social security number… 111-11-1111 for example and only put “St” for street and used no periods after the S (for South Washington St) and it came up for the 28th like you said and had my correct bank acct number so I’m sure it’ll come. I had been write sad, literally thinking it would not reach me. I’m on social security disability (SSD) and had ppl I knew on SSD as well and SSI who had received there’s. Anyway hope helps any w cell phone only and no laptop or desktop PC. God bless. (FYI, things are going to get much worse from what I am seeing. Dreams visions and many words of knowledge that began in October of 2015. If you do not believe in the Creator Yahweh God, please rethink!!!! I was given words on upcoming epidemic/pandemic back in Spring of 2017. And it has come to pass. And more. Seek Jesus Christ, Yesua haMashiach today. MUCH is coming!!


  5. Thank you! I tried the portal and I used the dashed and finally got an update.

  6. It was very helpful to me. I am on SSDI and I finally got at DD date of May 28th from the GET MY PAYMENT tool after checking every day for about 4 weeks. And yes you have to use dashes in the SSN.

    Thank you very much. Now I do not have so much stress of Not knowing.

  7. I’d like to thank you for doing these updates. This is the only place I have found reliable, and you do it in a clear, caring and understanding manner. THANK YOU!

  8. Thank you so much for the information!!!! Finally, I too get my deposit on May 28th! Yay! Appreciate your keeping us updated!

  9. Thank you for this. I was starting to lose hope of ever getting a stimulus check and now i know it will arrive on the 28th. Huge weight off my shoulders. Thanks so much!

  10. Dude you were dead on. I’m on SSD. I just the My Payment Tool, and my date is May 28th. Thank you so much Sir for your info!

  11. I did as you instructed on this video. I added the dashes to my s.s.n. and abbreviated my street. I’m scheduled to get my stimu2check on May 28. Thank you so much for the information

  12. Thanks for the update bro !! We’ve been waiting for a looooong time !!

  13. Not me. I get to be one of the 1% that slips through the cracks. The IRS sent a letter to an address I had ten years ago saying they direct deposited into an account I do not recognize. I had to use that old address to finally access the get my payment portal and there I saw they had an incorrect bank account. So it seems hopeless for me. I am on SSI and I was supposed to receive direct deposit the same as I do with Social Security. But that is not the truth in my case at all. There is no correlation between the IRS and Social Security in my case. They have sent a letter to an old address, claiming they already deposited into an unknown bank account. I am heart broken and devastated. If and when I get it it will be too little too late. I have already had to make the decision to default on all my credit cards, which are paid for by a debt management company. I owe one hundred dollars of that stimulus money to my land lord for last month’s rent. They are so proud of themselves for successfully distributing the funds to 99% of the people when they should really be ashamed at the severe incompetency they have demonstrated in my case.

  14. Gm finally got my stimulus today🕺🏿hope all did as well & thanks for everything..

    1. I haven’t receive d my second stimulus payment yet today.So when did you get yours Weet-Weet????

  15. Am on SSDI and I finally got my DD today (May 28th) Thank you for your help. Your information was the most helpful to me.

  16. I like it and I subscribed it so thank you for keeping us updated I truly appreciate it you and the rest of the beautiful man that told us about these

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