January 22, 2025

91 thoughts on “Second Stimulus Check Update & Stimulus Package News Sunday August 2

  1. I think they ALL (both parties) need to be voted out of office. This is a national disgrace!

    1. @Richard Toliver Although that I know of, they only did that once, in New Jersey. In New York, they might throw out a whole precinct if everyone is corrupt, but not the whole department (1980’s they did throw out a whole precinct).

    2. @dragonslaya16 If you REALLY believe that? “You have a ‘Long Road’ to Hoe.”

    3. @Internet Granny here Got to make sure you don’t vote out good with the baddont throw out the baby with the bathwater.

    4. @Cheryn English They did that in Arizona within the past few years I think I heard about that because the drug cartel corrupted it.

  2. It’s funny how they can keep going on vacation while everybody in America still trying to figure out how to live

    1. @BigBoy 5.56mm It has nothing to do with skin. It is all about education and the lack there of. You are showing quite the lack of education. I’m enjoying this banter, and look forward to your next comment.

    2. pumpkin aka: joylene If you say so. FYI: The August recess started back before AC bc no one could get anything done in the sweltering chambers. Since then, they go home in August to meet w/constituents, campaign for their re-elections, deal w/local issues, and they do some enrichment reading on topics they have missed out on by being in DC and yes, they spend time w/family, and so forth. If I’m on vacation, I handle ZERO work related matters. You can look this up & read more about it. I learned I believe, in 7th grade & contrary to what many uninformed call it, they are still working. Have a happy day.

    3. Cheistopher Turned
      Please don’t give up on voting over these fools. Vote better people in!
      # Remember in November

  3. 31 days of vacation? The only ones who deserve a paid vacation currently like that are the essential workers. Yet, they can’t even get a day off.

    1. @muffinlover17 If $10 an hour isn’t cutting it, go get a job making $25 an hour. And before you said, that’s easier said than done, have you tried? If you don’t know how to make a resume or how to interview, take that $45 phone, Google search, watch some YouTube videos and TED Talks and learn. If there are no jobs in your area that pay that much, move. Pick any one of the eight largest cities on the planet in this country and go get a real job. Any single mom can work a mid-level management job in corporate America. Heck, they are hiring college kids with zero work experience to be your boss. You just have to know your worth and stop settling. Waiting around for politicians to give you a couple pennies, two months, too late is madness.

    2. Apparently most think that I am living off of unemployment. I am NOT! I am on disability (which I PAID into,I started working at 16 and didn’t stop until I was told by 3 doctors to do so). I have witnessed essential workers (nurses, doctors, etc.) break down and cry due to another patient dying from Covid 19. So yeah, I don’t think that those who are ELECTED to do a job (that make THOUSANDS a year) should be taking a 31 day vacation (which btw,OUR taxes are paying for) at this time.

    3. @Nightwolf972 Yes, you are right but that’s easier said than done. I like where I live because I am raising children I prefer to do it where I am. Im taking into consideration more than just money but crime rates along with alot of other things on top of that I take care of my elderly mother and need the support of my sister to do that, if I move off I wont have that help for her or my children, remember Im a single parent. I would never dream about putting my mother in the nursing home because I use to work in a hospital setting and those nursing home patients are not taken care of like they should be. Like I said people like to try and tell someone else what they should be doing but everyone’s situation is different. Would I like to move, sure but at what expense. Who would take care of my mother and children while Im working? Who is going to pick them up from school if my job dont let off until after 5? Again, these are just some of the situations. That’s why Im not too quick to judge other people because what they may be going through maybe more than what meets the eye.

    4. @muffinlover17 Those are the decisions YOU have decided to make because your lot in life isn’t bad enough to change them. You could choose to move and make enough money to render all of those problems you mentioned moot. You’re not the only one in America with kids to pickup from school and elderly family to look after. Hire a nurse and an au pair. But you don’t for whatever the reasons. Like I said before, you aren’t the problem. What if tomorrow you lost all of your jobs? You would go get more work. Why? Because people are depending on you to. So just like you, if they take away all of the benefits of not working, guess what? People will then have to work. What do you think people did before section 8, welfare, food stamps, disability and SSI? They worked. It seems like a shocking concept today because there are so many options to not work.

    5. muffinlover17 yeah because I’m gonna kick my fiancée out who has lived in my house for 9 years and we have children? Smart. Thanks for the advice seems like you have it figured out. And no are town has resumed back to normal. Only thing that requires a face mask here is Walmart.

  4. This should really open our eyes to how our government truly is when it comes to helping us out in a time of crisis.

    1. they are not here to help they are deep staye traitors here to destroy america and the sheep are letting them open your buisness and take off the masks it was always fake.

    2. Arrest them while they are out of session….make sure they never come back from GITMO

    3. those of us with brain read…reading does not involve your ears. do the reasearch before you speak. Try turning off the commi news networks

  5. If they don’t come to an agreement, I would hope they would delay their recess or vacation until they reach a deal!

    1. The sad part about that is there not going to come to agreement before their vacation!😔

  6. These “meetings” need to be broadcasted LIVE. So we can all see wtf is going on behind closed doors.

    1. Everyone one is on the button with their own opinions. Good job expressing this. Now we need a big giant boot to kick them all out.

    2. They’ll not do that and is not going to happen. Transparency. Let us see the deals including the pork ones 🤠.

    3. @leev wholeheartedly agree. They don’t do help nor care unless ther is a hidden agenda or bragging rights behind it.

    4. @Jerry Winiarski Right! You definitely have a valid point. They show useless information and this is what almost EVERYBODY is concerned about. I believe we have the right to hear them discuss this publicly. They just don’t want us to see how petty they really are behind closed doors. That’s my opinion lol. ❤

  7. I’m sick of politicians controlling just about every aspect of our lives. We need to set term limits and evict both parties out of office and start all over. Psychopaths run our country.

    1. @R Pierce did you even read his post? He described how we as a people are being manipulated against each other while those in power maintain their grasp and reap ludicrous financial benefits. Its not a black white red or yellow problem its a human problem.

    2. R Pierce I didn’t blame anyone but the top gov for dividing read it again.

    3. Space Androidz exactly thats why i gave up on voting and on the government entirely and im only 22


    1. If the shoe V was on the other foot they azz would have been have made a decision and would have offed more more to the ppl. It wouldn’t have taken this long.Just came off a 2week vacation and now going again.Smh this makes no sense.

    2. @boogy313rd We kind of are doing things about it, it’s our money paying for their vacations. They are basically screwing us🤦🏿‍♂️👑

  9. I’m about to try to become a US senator the amount of vacation time they have is mind blowing

  10. I would like for congress to delay their vacation until they can come to an agreement. People need answers!

    1. won’t happen till school starts , they’ll shut everything back down there will be no progress till the election is over!!! No matter what side wins!!!

    2. Plausible deniability if Congress members can say ” I don’t know, I was on vacation”

  11. Come November, we as the registered voters need to send a strong message to our “leaders”.

    1. Come November the main Republicans that are making this rough for Americans who need help will have a permanent vacation

    2. Want do any good they don’t care about what happens to us they could care less if we die that is how they feel we are nothing to them as long as the got their mansions,fancy cars to drive ,their fancy dinners,and booze that’s what they care about

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂 son the election been rigged only way to get even is to ask them to square up

  12. No vacation for them in this emergency.. imagine a surgeon taking his/her vacation in the middle of a emergency surgery..

    1. Chief Surgeon: so this is my last surgery before I go to vacation any suggestions where I should go ? Patient help me I just got shot help !! Nurses: have you considered going to Dubai ? Chief surgeon na I’ve already been there i want to go somewhere different um maybe bora bora or Indonesia . Patient looses Consciousness .. nobody seems to care nurses you should definitely go to bora bora

  13. Honestly I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard that they will start a 31-day vacation from this coming Friday, AND they just came back from their vacations 2 weeks ago….. I’m just speechless!!! American People are suffering and even dying, but our government “leaders” are taking long and recurrent vacations….

    1. Sunni Dropp you can go to islands, you can get in your hot tube, you can swim in the pool. You can send someone shopping for you….

    2. It takes time to rearrange their stock portfolios so that they don’t look guilty of insider trading.

  14. So if they go on vacation AT ALL, we NEED to remove all of them. We need to reform this entire system. This is beyond out of control.

  15. They don’t need to go on ANY VACATION without reaching a deal. They need to start acting like adults and get this thing settled- Scenario #1!

    1. What’s going on with essential workers who is out there since day 1 with all this pandemic where is the Hazzard pay for all the essential workers

  16. Why don’t we vote them out and give them a measly stimulus package and $200 a week! Let’s see how they will live!

    1. When I wasn’t working I couldn’t even get unemployment for some stupid reason.

    2. Because the commoner’s vote doesn’t mean diddly squat in any election that matters.

  17. Whenever I’m set to go on vacation usually all my work has to be DONE before I leave. Anyone else? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. Wow got anyone you can vote for like that? How come when it’s picking someone to tell us what to do, all principle goes to die?

  18. Scenario Most Likely: No deal is made, Senate goes on break. Evictions start, people get sicker, jobs are lost and everyone is desperate and rioting starts.

    Stock market dips 10%. Senators rush back for an emergency meeting during their vacation. They finally reach a deal.

    1. @Steven Buell here in Utah the eviction ban was lifted on the 1st… already seeing people losing their homes.

    2. I completely agree wiTh this. We’re out here trying to figure out how to feed our kids! My husband made amazing money before this and has had a salary cut by 50%! I’m a stay at home mom and bridal makeup artist on the weekends. I would bring home up to $1400 each weekend from doing weddings. MOST of my weddings for the rest of the year we’re cancelled due to covid, I’m out of work, husband has only half of his salary. We’re up to our eyeballs and trying to feed 3 kids and two pets. I mean, this is ridiculous!

  19. Most professional stimulus updates on youtube. Thanks for always keeping us updated

  20. This guy has the most clear and unbiased updates on the Stimulus Bills. Keep it up 👍🏽

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