January 22, 2025

76 thoughts on “Second Stimulus Check Update & News Report Friday August 21

    1. The State of Connecticut was not mentioned in your update regarding the status of a 2nd Stimstimulus check

    2. What is with all the multiple responses? Is this a helpful tool or Spam? Brian only answers people who now down to him so he won’t answer me. Can he please report something new?????

  1. You’re doing a fantastic job! You’re growing because everyone loves the no-nonsense approach!

    1. Absolutely. If our members of Congress were half as vigilant, prompt and caring as Brian, we would be the greatest country in the world. Unfortunately, that’s not the case in either scenario.

  2. Can’t appreciate enough how you’re to the point and don’t click bait people with ridiculous titles. Thank you Brian.

    1. @Tim Terrell or this guy with stimulus check update when there is none its the same thing but less dramatic

    2. Joey Garcia bro, its your fault if you expect every video to be revealing and shocking. At the very least, at least this channel doesn’t mislead anyone that something is coming soon. That was my point.

    3. Tim Terrell absolutely. That channel is one of the few I was referring to. Any click bait words with “Finally!” Or “Shocking” it’s getting redundant.

    1. @LB LB,1st apparently you know nothing of others inquiring about your line of thought.
      All I said was You Crazy!?
      meaning why do you hold to this opinion. No disrespect intended. After hearing Biden & his game plan for breaking the US by farming out all production work, raising races 3.2 trillion, killing love babies, leaving our people wherever they are
      kidnapped or jailed out of the U.S., , and basically taking the U.S. back to 2008 a failed administration. Not to mention the human trafficking & universal medical stuck where they tell you to go. Do you still think that is the best choice. Trump is a spoiled rich prick, but he is a darn good businessman! He did more in 3 years in office than the entire dem. party has EVER done in all the dem. administrations put in office since 1776.
      I pray you are happy & healthy, joy & prosperity
      & freedom are my prayers for all true citizens!!

    2. @Nickie Ganzer, sorry, I disagree with you. Trump has failed America. How does a good business person file bankruptcy, causung others who depended on his business as income to be jobless? And I won’t even get into the mess we are in with this pandemic all because of his failed leadership.

      I didn’t vote for Trump, but I was willing to give him a chance. I actually was excited that a businessman wanted to run this country like a business. All Trump has done, in my opinion, is cause a wider race gap and rant and rave like a toddler.

      Trust me, I’m not all that impressed with Biden, but I just can’t see this country surviving another four years with this current administration.

    3. I have got links to okay jobs with good benefits in some states in the country and I’m also in connection with some financial relief programmes in select States, if you need any form of financial help send an email to my secretary and we’d find you some financial aid…. Ok doing this 100% free, it’s time to start helping. Her email address will be below this

    1. That’s why I come here to get my news with out crap I don’t need to know about now, I and many other wanna know if we can pay our bills

    2. Brian is great. Screw the Democratic media. They only tell you want they want you to know

    1. That is why this coming election I will show politicians a Non Care Act by not voting for anyone. No matter which party you vote for, once they win they don’t care about us.

  3. The stimulus news has not changed for months, the politicians simply are concerned about their vacations.

    1. @R.E. Craig So you really think the republican are any better? They talking about giving money to all other things a d places except helping the American people! That’s how little they think of us! Everyone should put on the back of their voting ballots, you guy did a very shitty job for AMERICANS

    2. @Granger Greenback Really? What planet are you on? Who just circumvented the stalemate and used his authority to issue $300/week continuation where there was NO CONTINUATION. It was not any Democrat. What the hell does the Post Office have to do with starving Americans who are on the verge of homelessness because of the orders regarding the virus? The Democrats are the ones, as Pelosi confesses, holding up the stimulus and unemployment benefits because they want it to be all or nothing, rather than negotiating and cooperating on parts that are more urgent for the American public like paying our rent and buying food. Trump offered to negotiate just the critical most urgent items. Pelosi and the Dems rejected that. This is squarely on Pelosi and the Dems’ shoulders by HER OWN ADMISSION. I am no longer voting Democrat because the true colors are showing. She doesn’t care at all about the American public. She cares about getting money to her cronies as quickly as possible and is slapping on the money to us to hide the fact. When push comes to shove she refuses to give to us unless her cronies get theirs as well. NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! ENOUGH! I AM OUTTA HERE!

    3. @R.E. Craig I completely understand your feelings about Democrats. That’s why I refuse to vote for them. But if you’re gonna switch, please consider switching to a third-party progressive party, like the Green Party. The two establishment parties are only out for themselves and care nothing about the people.

    4. @Steven Scott I left the country to get out of that mess. I won’t vote this time. I’m staying out of it all. You guys clean up the mess. Every war we have had as a country since its founding my family has fought to defend the nation. We arrived from Scotland in 1701 due to persecution as Catholics by the Scottish Protestants. We landed in Virginia and became Baptists. Two of my ancestors, one direct, were ministers who were then persecuted by the Episcopal church (American arm of the Church of England at that time). We gave up and led the Baptist Exodus, as it is called in the Kentucky Historical Quarterly, across the Appalachians to establish the state of Kentucky. My family has a deep vested interest in this country. Where did all of these crazies come from? I watched as they tried to gut Christianity out of everything. But every attempt to stop them in the courts was met with opposition from godless judges. I fear God has released His wrath on those destroying the country and has called out His saints to stop sharing in her sins while He sorts it out.

  4. Thank you Brian. You are the only person I listen to now. You keep me calm and carrying on. I can’t imagine doing what you do, for others, and never express dismay. You are a true gift to the world and this country. Thank you for all you do, we need more souls like you! I’ve turned a LOT of family and friends onto your channel. We are big supporters. You ROCK

  5. We need as Americans to back up and get out of this thing called Consumerism, everytime a holiday comes and they say speed we out there spending, the new phone the new this or that, we need to become savers instead of spenders because the people on top and the companies we are buying from don’t give a damn about the people on the bottom, and this right here proves it. The richest nation in the world and they can’t look out for folks right here in America struggling.

    1. My boyfriend and I haven’t bought Christmas gifts in years. Always paying bills. At least I can look at our beautiful tree….

    2. No you people buy stuff so I can make steady passive income from my ebay and Amazon stealth accounts.

    3. Spending secures jobs. If anything patronizing more in the economy would be highly beneficial for everybody. As it is now people are sitting on their cash do to uncertainty, hammering small businesses.

    4. @You Wish Sure he does. Ridiculous over spending on items you dont need guarantees that the next model will be exponentially more expensive, creating an even larger gap between the haves and dont haves. It’s called Capitalism. What are you…14? People need to start saving money. Businesses come and they go. The coronavirus destroyed alot. Not us “savers” fault!

  6. Perhaps, the gag is they both don’t want it. So, they make it seem like they’re fighting over it to prevent it from ever passing. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. And that is why all should be protesting at their personal homes calling for all members of congress to be terminated…
      And chant together we are voting you out


  7. I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security. So l really appreciate your transparency and giving people a Fighting chance during these troubling times

    1. @You Wish That is the politicians game ..
      Keep them poor..
      They know you have to have money to make serious money…

      Time to vote them all out…

    2. @You Wish Maybe you responded to the wrong person.
      Because I didn’t say
      “voting out the politicians makes you rich?”

      I laughed at your earlier joke?? or it read like a joke.
       And now you target me to be rude…lmfao

      I hope your day gets better..
      Because you seem angry..

    3. @You Wish It seems you are just looking for someone to argue with. cherry picking words for comments attempting to annoy…LOL
      I’m not interested.
      Life is to short.
      Again you seem angry.
      I really hope your night gets better.
      Please find someone else to troll..

  8. And we appreciate you also! Thank you for all your efforts to help those of us who find it difficult to understand what is actually happening.

  9. I’ve watched the other YouTube video’s about this subject, But you my friend are by far my favorite news reporter! You don’t have clickbait or anything! You get to the point! I appreciate it! 🙏🏼

  10. They so quick to pass that postal service bill today but can’t pass the stimulus check

    1. Thanks guys for sharing this information here, I really needed a new source of income right now

    2. I’m really interested in this Crypto thing but honestly I don’t know anything about it. I’m willing to learn it though because I know some folks who has been profiting from it

    3. @Dwane Bennett I agree it’s not happening people should start planning on other ways to make money. Funding lasts 3 to 6 weeks, wow that’s long.

    4. @You Wish do what you works for you, I’m doing what works for me and mine. N:B : making money is not for everyone so you can just decide that you want to be broke for the rest of your life, no one cares. ❤️👍

    5. If dems would stop trying to bail out their poorly run states we would have our checks. Dems r more worried about everyone else instead of the legal citizens of America . Dems r letting their states be destroyed by rioters because they do not care about the legal citizens of their states. You don’t see this crap going on in the rep run states ,why? Because rep care about their ppl! So the dems r the ones behind the scenes that is holding up the checks why r they doing this because they don’t care about us! If you vote for dems u r responsible for the deaths, the beatings ,looting ! Your just as bad as they r because u support the leaders allowing this to go on in ur city’s ! They r allowing this trying to find away to make trump look bad so they r sacrifice us the ppl because they hate the president ! Ppl wake up before it’s to late and get them loser dems out of office !

  11. I watch you almost everyday. Thank you for being easy to understand & to the point. Thank you so much !!

  12. Anyone else get nervous because we haven’t heard from him today. I hope you’re safe 💕

    1. I have got links to okay jobs with good benefits in some states in the country and I’m also in connection with some financial relief programmes in select States, if you need any form of financial help send an email to my secretary and we’d find you some financial aid…. Ok doing this 100% free, it’s time to start helping. Her email address will be below this

  13. WHAT IS GOING ON?? WHERE’S BRIAN?? I feel like I’m missing something out of my day without his updates! I truly hope everything is ok!!! 💜💜💜

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