June 29, 2024

106 thoughts on “Finally! Manchin Supports Stimulus Package If Billionaire’s Taxed | Biden’s New Spending Initiative

  1. $15,000 sign up yourbridgeplan.com/post/time-sensitive-15000-opportunity
    Looks like Manchin wants to re-engage with the stimulus package and pay for it by taxing the billionaires.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Hey Stephen Gardner there is someone trying to get people to dm them on what’s up app and I didn’t reply but thought it was you glad I didn’t click onto it but just wanted to let you know to tell the community to be careful !!! Great video by the way always love watching your channel!!!

    2. Hello Stephen, please check the response to my recent post, someone is trying to hack people on your channel!! Thank you!!

    3. Democracy is in Jeopardy with this voter rights takeover that’s in the bill. This absolutely cannot happen !!

  2. They’re not going to tax the “ higher ups” cause that would include THEM !!!!😡🤬🤬🤬

  3. They aren’t going to tax billionaire’s. They won’t tax themselves and the people that gives money to their campaigns

    1. @Kathy Doan
      Lol has biden kept 1 single promise in the last 40 years 🤣 😅 😂 😄

    2. @Kathy Doan Biden said that to get elected. They have been promising that for years and once they are elected they do the opposite. Like Biden promised$200 to all of us on social security have you seen that

    3. look you know the protocol “THE ONE WITH THE GOLD MAKES THE RULES” or maybe you just now got the memo….

    4. @John Bond that starts this month and the pay date will depend on your birthday. The dates are the 2nd,3rd or 4th Wednesday of every month

    1. Voting ID is so very important. I don’t understand why showing ID is a problem. Dems always try to find a why yo cheat.

    2. They didn’t need voter id to have this idiot installed! They need to change the voting system so they can’t cheat anymore.. it will so be coming..

  4. When Trump was in office , at least we had groceries on the store shelves. Gas was not crazy expensive. Worst mistake this country ever made.
    There are families wondering how they are going to pay their bills, eat, you know things ,simple folks worry about.
    Instead of just doing it….helping everyone with stimulas, all they do is talk. Talk, talk, talk. Never accomplish anything.
    Now they are worried about CLEAN ENERGY…..When people are wondering how they are going to live. I don’t believe they are ever going to help us. PERIOD.THANKS FOR LETTING ME RANT. LOL

    1. @Meredith Melton wrong! The pipeline is already there genius!!! Nothing was shut down. They were wanting to build a shirt cut for Canada. Their oil going through the pipeline does not benefit us at all. Do your research!!

    2. @Meredith Melton I don’t agree with spending more. I do agree with taxing millionaires/billionaires. I do agree with the child tax credit monthly payments. You do realize we got stimulus money under trump and he’s the one who did an executive order to keep giving unemployed people extra money weekly. People never should have gotten $600 extra a week in the first place. The most they should have gotten was what they were originally making. This all started under trump dear

    3. @Lindsey West Your so Wrong why did joe cut the main pipeline so many lost their jobs and Joe says they will find another ,I can’t even believe all Joe has done and he always blames president Trump ,Your Joe is not capable of being in the white house ,How many Cartel Drugs illegals do you want in your Neighborhood this Crime Situation is just Awful ,There is no man perfect but jeez open your eyes 👀 it’s a Nightmare Evil all of them all joe’s Croonies u must have voted for him but talk about straight up liar he is awful to leave our men behind our young men whom give their life’s up to Fight for us true American Citizen’s ,your Joe has blood on his hands ,Do you think President Donald Trump Would have let that happen ? Nope you need to do your research young lady ,Enough said I see what’s going on now and remember when President Donald Trump was in our Whitehouse ,I Pray for our USA & our children and grandchildren will there even be Security for them ,Americans come last , Illegals & foreign Countries Joe has proven they come first ,So do dead people count as voters SMH ,Big Disgrace Keystone was first cut when Joe got in just FYI …. Done with the Lies listen to Stephen Gardner you can’t make this stuff up ,Two year olds are more Smart than these in that Whitehouse maybe you love how cause he is handing out $$ to family with children as he should he created a big mess not Trump 💯☮️Out …

  5. This administration is ridiculous, I got a $60.00 increase on my disability for 2022 but my medical increased from $149.00 to $170.00 a $21.00 increase so all I really got was a $39.00 increase a month not even enough to fill my gas tank for my car one time for the month , freaking ridiculous and everything else is going up in price so I’m still struggling even with this 5.9 % cost of living increase what a joke. Sorry but I had to vent…

    1. @Tonya Bishop
      Ha. We wasn’t living on change years ago now was we?
      It’s an excuse.

    2. @Tonya Bishop
      You are correct. I do have knowledge about the subject but also when your 65 years old and you retire. You can work as many hours as you want without any deductions at all.

    3. @KorGer
      Life is something that nobody can control but yourself. You can’t control what someone else does. If it’s a car accident that does me in. So be it. At least I know my kids will be taken care of.

    4. @Tonya Bishop
      You think social security was meant to I’ve a luxurious life? You better come down from whatever your on cause that’s what it’s called.

  6. If voter identification is not required the controversy will never end. There are too many citizens who no longer trust our elections, and that’s a huge problem.

    1. Michelle, this has been very true for many years. That’s why I choose to be an independent person who watches and listens to both sides and hope like crazy to pick the right one. Honestly, all voting is, is voting for your favorite crook.

    2. @Suzane Martin I was a GOP but my party left me..so now I am a Independent my family across the pond always asking ‘what the hell happened to America? I am at the point to file for dual citizenship seems like The Beacon is fading and reminds me of the same course before Hitler took over
      so sad I lost to cousins on 9/11 and America pulled together we are on the brink of a civil war for what??? For on man one party?? it’s sick and sad

    3. Michelle, I am still learning about the government. Not sure what a gop is. As long as you are becoming a citizen of USA legally I don’t mind. It’s the illegals I’m complaining about, coming over here for a Free Ride because our government let’s em in or is flying illegals in under the radar. Everytime they get elected or new government seat we pay the Tax Payers pay for. The government has no money for us, but can help illegal immigrants come into our country and We the People have to pay for. That’s like buying the Best motorcycle ever, then being forced to give to complete stranger, that never paid a damn red cent for it. That’s what I’m agitated about. I hope this makes sense. There’s millions of Us who needs financial aid, but instead were All forced to support illegals, who were not accepted by everyone. Not the illegal way, that is. If they really want to be here, then prove it. Do it right!!

    4. @Suzane Martin I am born and raised in America 🙂 GOP aka grand old party…Republicans….sad thing tho local farmers are being hurt they have no workers ask a local fruit farmer dairy farmer no Americans are applying to work on farms anymore

    5. Michelle, that’s sad about a lot of the youngsters don’t want to work on a farm. I was raised on a farm. Good hard work, but it definitely makes you appreciate yourself knowing you are learning something and that you worked it and got it done. I think maybe if the farmers went to the Jr high schools and high schools for career days. Farming I’m afraid is a dying trade. So much to learn! I’m glad you are an American, you sound like a pretty smart lady. Kudos 👌👍😎👍

  7. I got a $50 raise on my social security. Guess what happened? They cut my food stamps and raised my rent, all total I’m over the $50 raise I got!! I would have been better off without the stupid raise. I got $50 but it cost me MORE than $50

    1. They was waiting on the sidelines for that increase to hit because they knew it wasn’t REALLY for US, it was for THEM!!😞

    2. My rent went up 30.00 so I made 20.00 just waiting to see what else goes up next never count ur chickens before they hatch lol

    3. Same for me….. After that raise, out of the $50 extra that I got…….I came out $2 ahead. Can’t get a loaf of bread with that….

    4. My rent went from $475 to $675+$75 trash + $50 per cut of the rural lawn around the trailer, I get $28 less in FS electric went up gas food toilet paper dish soap cat food if you can find it, it’s bad.

    5. @Janelle Medvecky Ulickey
      I’m in WV and I’m also having a hard time finding canned cat food.

  8. I’m not counting on the government for anything anymore. Just going to keep on working and hoping we can afford to live in America with everything getting more expensive. Everyone should hold them accountable and not give them the votes they need to stay in office time for a change!!

    1. You said it right I will keep on working and I know God will provide he has brought me this far through covid and he has never failed me.You can not put your trust in man I repeat do not put your trust in man your trust shall be in God all the money they are trying to control belongs to God and when you do wrong with what he created he is not happy.

  9. We need monthly stimulus checks for the people, they don’t need to have separate stimulus checks for children only.

    1. They never actually did. Stimulus check’s are separate from child tax credit’s which you work for.
      We’ll all pay it back as the IRS explained in letters before June check’s started.
      I’ve never been told by tge IRS that a stimulus will be connected to taxes.
      They conned a bunch of people into owing more this tax year and stimulus in the name to make it look better.

  10. As a combat wounded Vietnam veteran, the Vietnam war was called the forgotten war, which really ticked me off. Now as a senior citizen, we are now the forgotten ones. This country needs to get there priorities in order, AMERICANS FIRST!

    1. Amen sir. First off thank you for your service. Y’all never got the recognition that you deserved. You were treated horribly when you returned. As a member of a very patriotic family who has had family members fight and die in every war I think it was wrong the way you were treated. Second why is it that every other country in the world that is in trouble comes to the United States first and our government just sends billions. Forget the people in this country that are homeless and those going hungry. Just why does our government respect othe countries but forgets or actually ignores it’s own citizens. It is time that we stop sending billions overseas and get things at home under control first. IMO veterans should never go hungry, be homeless or be left without medical services. America first period.

  11. I think that only U.S citizens should be allowed to vote. Checking ID’s is a good idea. If you’re voting legally, you shouldn’t care that the voters are checked.

    1. @NYCGAL328 And even if they have been voting apparently they voted for Trump . First wise decision since Ronald Reagan and it will be another wise decision when they vote Biden and Harriss out of office. If you didn’t look like a man in a wig you would know that already

    2. @itslive now Like I said I am a resident in the US and I can vote, pay taxes, qualify for unemployment when I get laid off. Only thing that would change if I gain citizenship is just won’t get deported. I don’t know what small county or town you come from in Texas but I can imagine the arrogance you have. I meet alot of people like you in Refinerys and Construction jobs I have been at think everyone that is latino is illegal and should be deported but those same dudes are the ones that sit in the porta john in twitter and fb posting how they miss Trump and want a Wall for the mexicans lol

    3. @itslive now Yes, and if you would see the fence that is been build is a joke a literal joke waste of money a child can get past that. only a fraction of thw original wall was built and it didnt stop anything its just a dumb way of spending money and making something political go back to answearing your customer service calls my dude the wall is a waste of time and money.

    4. @Chemas And if you try and climb the wall ,that gives them the excuse and the right to kill you. You forgot that part. Have a good day

  12. If they wanted to motivate people to go get jobs and work, they should cut the income tax rate in half for people making under $100k year and zero income tax for people making under $50k year. This would lower unemployment and boost the economy at the same time. Think about how much income tax you “REALLY” pay once you factor in sales tax, gas tax, property tax, etc. It’s criminal!

    1. If they wanted to motivate people to get jobs and work then welfare would actually provide child care for WORKING AMERICANS but no instead they give it to welfare moms/dads who live off the system. SMH

    2. They should give a check if you get a job and keep it for over six months. They kept rewarding unemployed people, while many of us worked. I worked until I was to do the jobs of 3 people. I was exhausted from trying to keep up w/o enough employees when they added more work but no added money- wonder why they are short people? I won’t go back for $12. I will do without. Thanks For screwing us over. They all need to be replaced, starting with the old out of touch bunch.

    1. you know drill “THE ONE WHO OWNS THE GOLD MAKES THE RULES” or are you one of those who just no got the memo?

    2. If the situation with omicron worsens in the weeks and months to come, maybe another round of direct relief might come.

      All three rounds of stimulus checks were distributed at times when there was a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases.

      The first stimulus check was issued in April 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, the second stimulus check was issued in January 2021 during the second wave, and the third stimulus check was issued in March 2021, while COVID numbers were still high and vaccines were still not available on a wide basis, according to The Motley Fool.

      If the omicron variant is severe enough to warrant pandemic restrictions to be reintroduced, The White House might have to reconsider the idea of sending out more direct payments to offset the loss of income for individuals and loss of revenue for businesses.

  13. It would be great to give us a stimulus check, especially to the Seniors and the poor.

    1. @Sheldon Truman yup im educated, you just dont think before you comment, thats 4 sure! lol , lmao!

    2. @Carita DanielsGet real man, regardless you’re not getting no more stimulus checks that has stopped months ago. You want money go out into the real world and apply for a job like everyone else. Don’t expect handouts forever😠😠.

    3. @Government Isn’t Your Mommy I thought that when I was in my 30’s paying 7 to 9 thousand a year. I’m 67 now and extremely happy that I was not given that choice. For anyone to opt out is only asking for future disaster. Most people spend what they have. That’s just the way we live. It takes extreme discipline to save for the future and not buy a great house or drive porsche’s and exotic cars. Thank God this program stayed in place. My life would be very different today. We just have to make sure that they manage it properly (and good luck with that,) Ending Social Security contributions would probably only lead to government forced IRA’s and millions living below the poverty level 30 or 40 years from now. Just saying.

  14. It would be nice if the government would give us another stimulus check. Some of us have not recovered from this mess yet. Food, gas, and medical bills all have increased. Mr. Biden help the people out some more.

    1. Is not gonna happen. Stop being so gullible and get yourselves off that couch and away from that television set and go out into the real world and get a job just like everyone else.

    2. Honey, that’s over and done with. It would be nice but it’s not going to happen.

    3. @Jessie Rubio well they said it 9 months ago that thee would not be another 4 th stimulus,. At least, I can say I did my part , I made phone calls and wrote letters .

  15. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but laugh when you said politicians are back in DC ready to get back to work for their voters. Is that really a thing? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

    1. I couldn’t agree more. I seriously wonder if they just sit around those meetings laughing as they trade stocks. Who’s really piggybacking off the blue collar workers here.

  16. It really bothers me that the burden of taxes always seems to fall on the middle class and lower income citizens. If Everyone would pay their share and Not be allowed to use tax loopholes it would not be as bad overall. Those who are wealthy seem to get multiple tax breaks instead of paying their taxes as the rest of us do.

    1. Most rich people don’t take a taxable salary. They get stock options or other types of compensation. They also incorporate themselves to be taxed like a business. Flat tax is a great idea, but it wouldn’t tax the rich.

    2. That is so true about the taxes falling on the middle class and lower income people. You vote for people who you think might have our interest at heart but they only think about doing what will make them look good.

  17. Our government could of helped the American people along time ago they never hesitated to of helped other countries and illegal immigrants there’s absolutely no excuse for the way they’ve treated their own people hopefully things will change immediately and ss,ssdi ssi vets seniors low and fixed-income people will finally get the help they’ve all truly been needing desperately … Thank you Stephen Gardner I always look forward to your videos and thank you for being there for us 🇺🇸🙂…..

    1. @aaron young I hate hearing or reading about that and mention it,,, I’m like really and I’m sure there Christmas time and bills are are paid 😑 🙄🙄😒😒😒

    2. If the situation with omicron worsens in the weeks and months to come, maybe another round of direct relief might come.

      All three rounds of stimulus checks were distributed at times when there was a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases.

      The first stimulus check was issued in April 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, the second stimulus check was issued in January 2021 during the second wave, and the third stimulus check was issued in March 2021, while COVID numbers were still high and vaccines were still not available on a wide basis, according to The Motley Fool.

      If the omicron variant is severe enough to warrant pandemic restrictions to be reintroduced, The White House might have to reconsider the idea of sending out more direct payments to offset the loss of income for individuals and loss of revenue for businesses.

    3. @Keven Reynolds Did you hear that the New Serge is over a million now if not more 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️(virus)

  18. Showing your ID to vote is not racist!! When I voted for the first time, 59 years ago, it was at our local fire barn. Two of the poll workers were our next-door neighbors. They had to see my ID because it was the LAW, they were like a second set of parents but I still did what was right!! It’s not discriminatory because I don’t know anyone old enough to vote that doesn’t have an ID.

    1. If we have to show ID’s to buy smokes ro alcohol which technically shouldn’t effect anyone but ourselves then we should have to show ID to vote for what’s best for our country. Two different things yes but same concept.

    2. If the situation with omicron worsens in the weeks and months to come, maybe another round of direct relief might come.

      All three rounds of stimulus checks were distributed at times when there was a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases.

      The first stimulus check was issued in April 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, the second stimulus check was issued in January 2021 during the second wave, and the third stimulus check was issued in March 2021, while COVID numbers were still high and vaccines were still not available on a wide basis, according to The Motley Fool.

      If the omicron variant is severe enough to warrant pandemic restrictions to be reintroduced, The White House might have to reconsider the idea of sending out more direct payments to offset the loss of income for individuals and loss of revenue for businesses.

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