July 4, 2024

71 thoughts on “Child Tax Credit Payment & Stimulus Bill Update – President Biden BBB Act

  1. Brian, my guy, been missing the daily news updates. I won’t lie. I appreciate your hard work and for giving us the news without bias daily. You rock and I’m curious when you think the market stops bleeding?

  2. Brian – we miss these updates! You have been the only one I’ve listened to since the pandemic started! Thank you!

    1. @weezysmilez🤙 My son and wife have been selling their bone marrow this passed month to help ends meet. They say it doesn’t hurt to much and they are paid pretty good money. It’s a win,win they get financial help and they could be saving a life(s). Worth looking into

  3. I support the child tax credit going forward even though I don’t have children. I know people need help for families and especially the Seniors as well.


    2. @Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy, Lady of Pemberly House because they think we are… they just hear people with children are getting money, and they aren’t, and get all pissy about it.

    3. @Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy, Lady of Pemberly House parents are definitely getting more. If it was just giving the standard child tax credit early it wouldn’t cost billions of dollars and need to be voted on by congress. Nothing wrong with incentivizing families though.

  4. Absolutely, my wife and I work very hard, and found that we truly needed the help from the child tax credit in the bill. We never just try to rely on anything, but it was a blessing to have it. I know there’s a lot of other hardworking parents in the same boat. Hoping they figure something out. Wishing everyone well.

    1. Same, both working but it helped so much. There are things we do without even though they are actually necessary.

    2. @Pretty PiNkz how lol?? The CTC is money we parents get regardless of WHEN we receive it…it isn’t just extra free cash folks think

    3. @Smokey Elmore you getting it once a year when filing taxes vs you getting it every single month is a HUGE difference. It’s contributing to inflation. The prices of things have almost doubled. Y’all get help to afford the price changes but a lot of Americans don’t. Just because people don’t have kids doesn’t mean they don’t have debt and need help paying rent and buying food.

  5. If only the government could give us reasonable explanations and informations like Brian does! Thank you Brian and a prosperous 2022 to anyone reading this! ☀️🌟🌈💫

  6. Great to see you back, Brian! I would be happy if they would just keep the promises they made in the CARES act! Still waiting for that $10k EIDL grant I applied for the day it went live in late March 2020!

  7. Thanks for ALL you do for us Brian!! I hope & pray your new business venture is a TOTAL success, as you deserve it. You have helped so many of us through these rough times.
    Be blessed & prosperous is 2022.

  8. i disapprove of the BBB act unless it helps Americans directly whose income is less than $75,000. Programs have so many downsides.If there are more cash stimulus payments it goes back into the economy. To leave out millions of people is increasing poverty levels of those already in bad situations. One example is Mayfield,Ky. leveled by Tornado.

  9. I’m 61, and no kids at home. Of course this child tax credit does nothing for me.
    The stimulus check really helped me but stopped short by stopping too soon.
    Great job this year! Very very helpful!
    Thank you

    1. If you have a wife that passed on James you can get “Surviver benefits at 60, I’m 56 and will get over a grand a month at 60, wife died six years ago

    2. @Riley Nelson it is not the job of goverment to take care of kids you decided to bring into the world. it is not my job to raise your kids. you are the only one benefitting and enjoying the company of your kids. why should taxpayers pay for the happiness you alone enjoy. Child tax credit is a fraud and needs to be ended

    3. The single people are always shunned from things like this. Along with the disabled and low income. If we don’t have kids, we don’t matter.

    4. @princess diri I agree! they have all kinds in f programs for people that have children. I have Kids there adults now. So people that have no children are not hurting too. I just think it’s causing a dependency and keep people from working and those who are working w/kids don’t need it either. Most of them are living very well, while those who are SSI, veterans and single are struggling. It’s crazy!

  10. Brian, never disappoint you’re always the best at keeping us in the loop and I fully support anything that helps Americans.

  11. I’ve been raising my grandsons for years it really helped me to take care them..Without stressing!For me it was a blessing!

  12. Yes for the Child Tax Credits. Very helpful for me as a single father of four kids. Very sickening to see that the government keeps making false claims and that nothing gets passed until too much time lapses.

    1. But, I’ve raised my children. I don’t want to have to pay for yours. You made babies, you pay for your babies

    2. @Salesad Mieze child tax credit does not come from YOU this is an advance from the child tax credit on our Tax return

    3. @Salesad Mieze that’s so wrong he said single father that mean him doing it by him self it’s not like it’s him and the mother it’s him and his kids he didn’t ask to jus take care of them yes by himself

  13. Currently the BBB Act doesn’t includes helping everyone with stimulus money so I can’t support this bill. Financial help needs to be equal for everyone.

  14. Currently the BBB Act doesn’t help everyone financially so I can’t support this bill. Financial help needs to be equal for everyone.

    1. Yes exactly!! I’ve got a 5yr old daughter and I still think everyone should be getting some benefit not just a chosen group of people.

  15. Single Mother of 2 children with an income of under 40,000 annually. The tax child credit payments were such a blessing it helped pay for part of my toddler’s day care expenses that are close to 900 a month. I am so disappointed with the democrats about this issue. Which I also happened to be Republican.

  16. We support the child tax credits. Schools send kids home for a cough, and that makes it hard for parents to keep steady work

    1. It helped a lot i am grateful the U.S Gov has helped families out the children are the future…

    2. Yes. Chicago has closed public schools with no warning. Day 2 and I’m sure a lot of parents had to call off work.

    3. My son was literally sent home because he sneezed 1 time in class I was so upset because I’m a first responder and I work full time and I have worked through out this pandemic none stop. He missed 4 days of school and his test was negative 😒

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  18. The child tax checks should be a stand alone, and it should be for those who want them as long as you go to work.

    1. I wish I could work but my child has autism and taking him to therapy every day doesn’t make time for me to have a job.

    2. People with disabled children that can’t work to take care of them or the adult that is disabled with children should qualify

    3. Work should not be a requirement for the child tax checks because everybody’s situation is different I work but my wife stay home with our small 3year old daughter so that would disqualify us and would not be fair and other who can’t work because other reasons

  19. Thank you for still taking the time to make these updates. You’re such a good source of unbiased information and it’s such an important thing. Good luck on starting your new business.

  20. Brian you’re awesome!!! I learned a lot from you and i appreciated the daily news episodes. Hope everything goes well with your new business and you’re able to get everything situated so that we can have you back for the daily shows in the next few months. happy 2022 all, here is to a better year than 2021 and 2020. <3

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