January 29, 2025

87 thoughts on “5.9% Social Security Increase – Cost of Living Adjustment for 2022 | Daily News

    1. I appreciate that so much Joseph! Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me, thank you again Joseph!

    1. Help all the people or kill both Bills, of the smaller one goes first then I think manchin and Sinema like Republicans won’t pass it on, I hope the Democratic party don’t drop the ball on this

    2. @Raybassman
      Biden is the tip of the iceberg. The system is entirely controlled by dark triad sociopaths. There is no right vs. left. There’s just the small few vs. everyone else, and the small few are winning by a long shot, while we bicker over mandates and safe spaces.

  1. Best news I heard in awhile social security is finally getting attention. I appreciate what ever they give us. And hope they continued 2 help everybody else in need

    1. @lisa white if you (or anyone) voted for Biden because he promised a tax increase then they shouldn’t be voting as they don’t even know enough to know the pres has no financial ability.

    2. By raising SSI They’re guaranteeing inflation. Boomers really did a number on this country.

    3. @James nothing special? when was the last time it was that high it is a big deal for me it sure in the hell is after paying the 10 increase on my premium ill recieve more or less 93

    4. @UCxhj8h4ggluJjUOv182azug and f…k the 200 binden said he was givin out he was buying your votes

  2. “You can now snitch on your company” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love how Brian keeps it 💯

    1. @Memielle Automation or legal citizens. We already found out that companies will comply to alphabet agencies “fining” them. So they will comply.

      A job that was paying $5-7/hr illegally will be $15-20/hr legally. This cost will just be past onto the consumer.

      I do agree that right now it’s an employee’s market right now. Companies are struggling to hire people.

    2. @Gayle Bartlett they should go back to were they came from we don’t want them here unless they come here the right way

    3. @Willie Oakley Of course, I agree… I just hated to see how they were treated. I worked with a girl who was a licensed nurse in Mexico and her husband was a high end banker. He would not do something illegal that was asked of him (I do not know the entire story) and the Cartel put a hit on him and his family. They escaped here (via a flight because they had $$) and just never went back. She was working for $4 per hour from 8 am – 10 pm… her husband the same, they had 3 kids… she was sad, missed her life and lifestyle. The entire system needs to be fixed. I see both sides… we either need a HUGE WALL with 1 or 2 doors or more laws regarding the illegal population. (I prefer NO government handouts AT ALL, but if some one is hiring illegals the illegal should be able to rat on them if they are hiring effectively slave labor). Not that it will ever happen under this Administration.

    4. @Lana Simpson Still a person… some with actually stories and backgrounds… my husband’s employee’s wife was deported in December to Guatemala. She is married to a LEGAL AMERICAN and has 4 legal children here and one DACA child (now 18). She has been here for 20 years, never took a dime from the Government. Never drove a car, speaks English, health insurance… was deported. Now 2 of her children moved to Guatemala with her, and for obvious reasons HATE IT and 3 stayed here with the 18 year old raising them, since the Father travels for work. They spent at least $50,000 on attorneys trying to help her become legal. They ALL stole his money and did nothing. My husbands company finally found a legit Attorney, but it was too late. She is now in Guatemala. This woman is NO criminal. I talk to immigration police all the time and they say that she should have been able to stay, but the police that deported her felt different. Go after “low hanging fruit”, while allowing thieves to stay. The entire system is gross.

  3. This gentleman is my go to source for accurate and up to the minute information. Unlike the rest of the wannabes that use clickbait and spew untruthful remarks, especially pertaining to stimulus checks .

    1. @Angeloftruth thank you .. the few times I flipped on the news this past week …. I am still hearing the news stories still trying to blame the problems the current leadership are causing on Trump ??? lol .. I am not sure who is running the government right now but itz not Biden .. he was all over the place babbling non sense last week at a speech 🙃

    2. Calling a 3.5 trillion dollar spending bill that’s mostly pork and BS a stimulus because drip feeding people about stimulus checks is how you built your whole channel and audience doesn’t seem very honest.

    3. @Jeff Justice well the thing is Trump wanted to be like the Chinese zing ping dong the leader of China he wanted people to bow down to him like the Chinese leader does Trump wanted to rule the United States the rest of his entire life sorry it doesn’t work that way here no person is above the law and Trump he thinks he’s above the law look how many people Trump screwed over he never paid for the Taj mahal he owes many construction workers money and many people think he’s god or acts like he’s god that’s sad but you know something Donald Trump is not God he will not save none of you if you want to be saved you may want to turn to Jesus Christ because that’s the only one that can save you

  4. Gratitude for all that you do,the searching,staying up late,coming on at odd times,& just to bring us “up to date” & real honest news💯
    Enjoy a great day Brian💪👌
    I hope all reading this comment enjoys a great day as well as true Blessings🖒💯

  5. I got it! Eliminate the following; No aid to foreign countries. No raises for anybody in Congress. No aid to foreigners untill you help US citizens first.

    1. @James the solution is publicly funded elections. And banning fundraising. Then no one is buying any bodies vote and elected officials get 1/3rd of their time normally spent fundraising regularly back to focus on real issues and to dive into them to actually problem solve. Term limits won’t work because monied interests would simply install a new puppet in place. Also getting money out of politics will protect representatives from being threatened by corporations like exelon (big oil) who litterally go around to Republican reps and tell them to fall in line, or they will fund their oppositions entire campaign. There is video evidence of one of that companies too people admitting all this.

    2. Thats easy, end the foreign lobbying culture in our senate. Not only its a disgrace to our democracy its crack where the most money gets out. The largest lobbies are israel greek armenian couple of other. As a greek american i dont want america to spend billions on a imaginary possibility of a war in medditerrainian.

    3. Yeah, got bottled water to Indonesia during a disaster years ago quicker than they got water to new Orleans victims after Hurricane Katrina. I’m all about helping other people but we still have starving homeless people in the USA. Hey, I got an idea, let’s spend billions to send people to Mars so we can screw up another planet instead of fixing everything on our own planet

  6. Wow a whole $100 increase. This is just sad. Wasting resources on everyone else BUT the citizens. We need to get ALL of these politicians out.

    1. @Kimberly Lovellette same here i recieve 1737 right now medicare is going up 10 so that put around 90 in my pocket

  7. Brian for presidente!!! He is more honest than most of this politicians . Who is with me 🥇😬

    1. @Lupe Perez ME TOO. Since way last year when Trump was still in the office causing mayhem like Biden.

    2. The establishment Democrats won’t allow him his chance to shine unfortunately. They didn’t allow Bernie Sanders the chance to shine and he was one of the best most talented and most qualified for the job. Life is so unfair

    3. @ClearValue Tax Not that you’d want that headache, Brian, but I’d vote for you too.

    1. @Gladys Bullock or they have to follow the terms of The Geneva Convention. History anyone? 🙄

    2. This is a COO against the American people ! Refused bail and balance also electronic voting ! Paper ballots with fingerprint only ! And if this doesn’t work we’ll have to go to the mattresses !

  8. How about they cut Congress salaries and they’ll have all the money they need!! Start from the top!!

    1. Congressional salaries make up 0.0001% of the budget. Most of the budget is entitlement programs, such as social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and student loan guarantees. If you want to cut any spending by any meaningful amount, you need to cut it there. Which one do you propose should be cut?

  9. I’m not sure if that was meant to be a joke but I literally laughed out loud when he said “it was probably a really good idea for them to stop mailing children” this guy is awesome and I come here everyday to get the news

  10. Honestly we all should quit our jobs. Sends those in office into panic because we’re no longer feeding the system (matrix) our energy.

    1. @Meagan Brammer my solution? Nooope that may be your solution but I’m far from a quitter. I just work smarter than when I was young and thought the answer was moving the masses. Complacency is The American way. You have to want to be moved. Just my .02 at midnight.

    2. @Missy Mills I never said I was quitting. But I’m not going to laugh at others for at least trying. Try and fail all u can but don’t just do nothing. U are no better than where you started.

    3. Their taking 120 plus out of weekly payroll checks in TX. But since i have no kids my tax return would be about 300.00 thats crazy to me

    4. Really ?
      Where is your armed camp ?
      Smack talk I have more armst my house and on my sinking boat.!

  11. I don’t understand why programs have to be either 1. Cut short or 2. Cut off…. If the purpose of this bill is to truly help the most in need right now, they would just tighten eligibility for all programs. Someone please justify how tax credits for someone making 100k a year or more, for purchasing an expensive electric car, is a priority and make sense to put this against giving low income families money. SERIOUSLY, In whose mind are those things in the same realm of priorities. You wanna help the America move to electrification? Give subsidies to those who otherwise would really not be able to get an electric car otherwise, no the rich who are going to purchase it anyways. This is literally a coupon for buying a car for the rich. Doesn’t make sense.

    1. Who is worried about the hurting in America 🇺🇸 ?? Did you mean the government?? .. are you being funny .. the government is not your friend .. huge deception .. 2nd amendment right to bear arms is for one reason against an out of control government.. yes .. go read it yourself .. Governemt convincing you their your friend and going to take care of you is a lie .. your about to be a slave.. you could ask someone in China about that .. but no you can’t.. because China doesn’t allow it .. go ahead .. try to contact someone in China .. if you did they wouldn’t answer any questions about Government because they would be imprisoned the next day if not the same day hmm 🤔

  12. WE THE PEOPLE request that Congress slashes it’s salary to reflect an hourly Minimum Wage, only for hours spent actually working, which directly correlates to the State they Represent.

    1. @Missy Mills Congress persons receive and have perks from campaign funds too .. 😉

    2. @Raul Batista yes agree lol and they are also good at making sure most problems never gets solved and those few things that do only benefit bigger government and more government control 😉

  13. The problem now, are these politicians that can’t stop arguing but they don’t have to worry about bills and food like us. It’s still a pandemic and people need help.

    1. @Mark Robbins we were in trouble LONG before The Pandemic. We haven’t had anything close to a reasonable budget compromise in 2 decades. We live in a country TRILLIONS of dollars in debt where people have a stroke every time we want to raise ANY taxes. These guys aren’t moracle workers.
      We CUT taxes not forseeing inflation? Economics 101 here. 🙄

    2. Why do u assume those corrupt idiots have any actual answers? And u do know they work for the elites (because they are part of the elites)…dont u??

    3. They are more concerned about keeping the government funded to keep their salaries and pay increases in place and campaign contributions for re-election efforts than you or your family and economic development to raise your standards of living ..

    4. @Missy Mills I can’t see anything in your comment that relates to mine. Got the right post? I had economics 101 in college and I must have missed the chapter on stealing money, misrepresentation, oh hell lies, manipulating public opinion and how to get paid a lot of money to do absolutely nothing. Business law on the other hand covered several of their antics and if you’re not the government some of them can get you into a fair amount of trouble.

  14. I propose that we not remove the child mailing service from postal services, but evolve it to modern times.
    Allow us United State Citizens to vote to mail corrupt politicians out of our country. Especially the ones giving themselves raises and vacations when absolutely nothing is happening for the suffering middle-class, the poor, and the homeless. Just imagine how much progress we’d make!

  15. The Problem isn’t a lack of money, food, water (Flint, MI) or land… The Problem is that you’re given control of these things to a group of greedy psychopaths who care more about maintaining their own power than helping mankind.

    It’s time for We The Pesky Citizens to ‘Unite’ and ‘Demand” a Better Government (People) that works for ‘We The People’..!!!

    1. @James K Brimmage Jbrimmage Ive been over this before. In our anarchy against the crown to be independent the constitution was written for the country to be a democracy rather then under a monarchy of republic states. Thus we are a democratic republic per our constitution. Not just a republic but a democratic republic.
      You can tell where a person stands in their overall ideals when they leave out that context Ive come to feel. Because your right we are not an outright democracy given how many people and states there are. But that we per the constitution in the republic so many stress if we were not democratic then we would only be able to adhere to federal laws added and amended to the constitution. Yet states can have their own laws that do not reflect the totality of federal law much less between a states jurisdictions. Federal law of the constitution takes precedence to those laws which they would not be able to adapt if we were not a democratic republic.

  16. So as an American – we pay taxes, Social security and more. As an undocumented person – do not have to pay taxes, does not have to pay into social security or unemployment while making the same wage as an American. Our country is no longer America. We are punished for living in our own country of origin. They have gone way too far at this point. Americans have lost any and all rights at this point. We have to pay to live here and have to pay for other countries and have to pay for non citizens education, livelihood and elderly care while they get to have all the rights of legal citizenship now. Our government no longer has a country. It works for other countries.

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